Software Department

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Department Cooperation with Sigma Software

Sigma Software and Lviv Polytechnic University start cooperation on “knowledge triangle” model

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Department Cooperation with Sigma Software

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Excellent opportunities for Research Fellows at the ADAPT Centre in Dublin, Ireland

Dear collegues,

Please draw your attention to the EDGE Programme, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Action.

In total EDGE will award fellowships to 71 high-calibre post-doctoral researchers, who will relocate to Ireland to join expert supervisors in the ICT and Materials field.

EDGE Fellowships are for experienced researchers from any country, seeking a prestigious, career-building position in Ireland. EDGE aims to form the next generation of thought leaders in ICT and develop skills to engage with industry - all the top 10 ICT companies are present here.

Researchers with a PhD or at least 4 years of equivalent research experience can apply by submitting a research proposal before 1st December 2016 (Call 1),

after reviewing the information on the website -

additional information also available at:

Software Department Current International Projects:
Dinamica Generale
Software Department IT partners:
KindGeek ЛінкАпСтудіо DataArtN_IX Sigma SoftwareSymphony Solutions Eleks Adva-SoftSoftServeEdvantis ComarchDinamica Generale