Heads of the Software Department
Heads of the Software Department
- 1990 - 2001 yy. - Sc.D., Professor Roman Bazylevych
- 2001 - 2004 yy. - Sc.D., Professor Volodymyr Hrytsyk
- 2004 - 2015 yy. - Sc.D., Professor Dmytro Fedasyuk
- 2015 - 2020 yy. - Sc.D., Professor Vitaliy Yakovyna
- 2020 - stili now - Sc.D., Professor Dmytro Fedasyuk

Roman Basylevych
Sc.D., Prof., Professor of Software Department
The founder and the first head of the Department Roman Bazylevych,Professor, Ph.D, Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, a member of the American Computer Association (ACA), fellow Institute of Electrical Engineers of Great Britain.
Roman Bazylevych graduated from the Radio Engineering Department at Lviv Polytechnic Institute in 1958. While being a Ph.D. student he worked at Physicomechanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, where he prepared his thesis. Since 1967 he has been working at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. In 1983 in Leningrad Electro-Technical Institute he defended his Sc.D. thesis on CAD of electric devices. In 1990 he initiated the formation of the first in Western Ukraine Software Department, which he had headed till 2001. During the first five years of his supervision the Department was certified for IV level of accreditation, provided successful training of bachelors, masters and Ph.D. students. From 1995 to 1996 he performed research at UC San Diego. From 2000 to 2001 he conducted research at Harvard University as a prizewinner of The Fullbright Scholar Program sponsored by the US government.
Roman Bazylevych initiated widespread development of scientific research in the field of CS in Lviv Polytechnic. In the early 70s he created the first in our University research group on CAD, where many highly qualified professional developers of complex software systems were trained. He created his own scientific school in the field of CAD and Mathematical Modeling. He initiated and headed the Informatics and Cybernetics Commission at Shevchenko Scientific Society since its revival, led five academic conferences on localization of Computers in Ukraine that favored the national and cultural renaissance of Ukraine. In 1979 he organized the first and several subsequent conferences on CAD and the first regional conference on modern problems in CS in February 2000. He initiated and headed Lviv Center of the Institute of Electrical Engineers (Great Britain) in 1996 and the subsidiary of the American Computer Association (ACA) in 1999.
In 1995 he initiated and headed the Specialized Academic Board for the defense of theses on Mathematical Modeling and Mathematical and Program Support of Computer Engineering. Under his supervision sixty academic research projects were carried out, including those on demand of Science and Technology Committee, Ministries of Education and Defense of Ukraine. In 2003 he became the INTEL scientific competition prizewinner. Since 2005 he has supervised the French-Ukrainian research program Dnipro.
He presented his scientific reports in many leading universities of the world including USA, France, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan. He is a member of a number of organizational and program committees of both Ukrainian and international conferences. He is in the Editorial Boards of Upravlyayushchie Sistemy i Mashyny magazine (Control Systems and Machines) of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, chair of the Editorial Board of Modern Issues in CS scientific digest, managing editor of several scientific publications. He is a European Commission expert for problems of informatics.

Volodymyr Hrytsyk
Sc. D., Professor, Corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine
Volodymyr Hrytsyk, Sc.D., Professor, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine. Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner, the Medal of Labor Valor, Korolyov Medal, Tsiolkovsky Medal, Keldysh Medal, Haharin Medal, Lebedyev NAS Award. He has been the head of the Department from 2001 to 2004.
Volodymyr Hrytsyk graduated from Lviv State University in 1962 and began his career in Physical-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine (Lviv). Since 1996 he has been the director of the State Research Institute of Information Infrastructure of the NAS of Ukraine and State Department of Communications and Informatization of Ukraine while being a professor at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Lviv Polytechnic National University.
V. Hrytsyk is a prominent scholar in field of CS. His scientific activity is related to research and development of highly efficient systems for the selection and automated data processing aimed at analyzing, assessment, control, classification and prediction of transient processes, complex systems and environment based on high-performance problem-oriented and specialized structures with deep level of algorithms parallelization.
Volodymyr Hrytsyk supervised the State Scientific and Technical Programs 6.02.02 Advanced Information Systems Technologies of the State Committee on Science and Technology within the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which united more than 40 scientific and technical projects. Scientific Technical Projects in research and development of innovative Information Computing Systems were performed on the international competitive basis and supervised by V. Hrytsyk (funded by the US government in 1998, 2000 Governments of Canada and EU, 2003).
V. Hrytsyk leaded the development of specialized and problem oriented super parallel data processing systems in real time, which are embedded in space research, and were used on the orbital station Mir, at startup, flight and landing of the space system Buran.
V. Hrytsyk supervised the creational process of Information and Analytical center Peace-Shield-98 for military training of NATO member states, which took place in Lviv polygon (Yavoriv district of Lviv Region) as well as information center organizing which supported the Summit in 1999 at the Sixth Meeting of Central and Eastern Europe Presidents. He headed the preparation for the visit of Pope John Paul II in Lviv in 2001.
His scientific and practical results were published in Ukraine and abroad in more than 270 research papers and 11 monographs.
V.Hrytsyk, Corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, is a head of Section of Informatics and a member of State Bureau of Western Scientific Center of NAS of Ukraine. He is a member of the program committees of Ukrainian and international academic conferences and an editor of scientific and technical magazine Informaciyni Technologiyi i Systemy (Information Technologies and Systems), a member of Editorial Boards of many Ukrainian and international academic and technical magazines, a head of Specialized Scientific Board for Ph.D. and Sc.D. theses defense in CS.
He led the training of more than 30 Ph.D. and 7 Sc.D. theses in CS.
From 2001 to 2004 the material and technical background was updated, the Department’s computer network was created, teaching and methodological background was developed and expanded at the Department.

Dmytro Fedasyuk
Sc.D., Professor,
Head of the Software Department
Dmytro Fedasyuk Sc.D., Professor, member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, the head of the Software Department since 2001.
Dmytro Fedasyuk graduated from Radio-technical school of Lviv Polytechnic Institute in 1977. He started his career as a design engineer in the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology and Control Systems (RPA "System" Lviv), developing design and technology projects of complex engineering systems. After finishing his referral job he returned to Lviv Polytechnic Institute at the invitation of Radio Engineering faculty in 1980.
He was a Ph. D. student while working in a research laboratory at Department of Radio Equipment Design and Technology. D. Fedasyuk defended his Ph.D. thesis on CAD at Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics in 1985. Since 1985 he has worked as a lecturer in Lviv Polytechnic. He defended his Sc.D. thesis on Automation of the Design Work in Lviv Polytechnic in 2000. His research interests include thermal design of microelectronic and electronic equipment, CAD, decision-making computer information technologies.
With first signs of democracy and national revival movement he headed the Center of Ukrainian Education Society of Radio Engineering. Since creation of Shevchenko Scientific Society in 1989 he has been its member and from 1990 to 2005 he has been the Secretary of the Informatics and Cybernetics Commission at the physics and mathematics section. Since 2004 he has been a member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Presidium and in 2006 he was elected as a member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. He was awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
From 2002 to 2005 he was a Secretary of the Lviv Polytechnic Academic Board and since 2005 Deputy-Chair of the Specialized Board for Sc.D. and Ph.D. theses defense. Dmytro Fedasyuk supervised a number of Sc.Ds and published two monographs and a textbook. His scientific achievements include over 125 research papers which were published in both national and leading magazines of the world, performance at international academic conferences in Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Russia, Armenia and others.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of several research papers collected volumes, an Organizing Committee Chair of the International CS and IT Conference.
From 2004 to 2008 he was the director of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology at Lviv Polytechnic . Since 2008 he has been a Vice-Rector at Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Under the guidance of Prof. Fedasyuk the Department conducts updating of the curriculum, introduction of new courses, organizational and methodological activities. The Department received Microsoft licensed software, created and certified a new major in Software Engineering. During the last three years the material and methodological background for the academic process has been significantly improved. The faculty performance was considerably increased. The relation with the industry and leading IT companies in Ukraine and Poland are being expanded.
In 2007 Fedasyuk initiated the opening Software Engineering major for Bachelor students at the Software Department.

Яковина Віталій Степанович
доктор технічних наук, професор
У 2015 - 2020 рр. завідувачем кафедри був доктор технічних наук, професор Яковина Віталій Степанович.
Яковина Віталій Степанович закінчив у 1998 році електрофізичний факультет Державного університету «Львівська політехніка» і отримав кваліфікацію магістра електронної техніки. У 2002 році після завершення аспірантури у Львівській політехніці, захистив у Чернівецькому національному університеті дисертацію на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата фізико-математичних наук. Подальша наукова кар’єра пов’язана з участю у виконанні в НДЦ «Кристал» Львівської політехніки кількох наукових проектів, в тому числі міжнародних, пов’язаних з дослідженнями дефектів в оксидних матеріалах. З 2005 року Яковина В.С. працює на кафедрі програмного забезпечення, де згодом отримав атестати доцента і професора. Наукова діяльність пов’язана з дефектами програмного забезпечення, його надійністю та безпечністю. Після завершення роботи над дисертацією в докторантурі (2012–2015 рр.) Яковина у 2016 році захищає докторську дисертацію за спеціальністю 01.05.03 «Математичне та програмне забезпечення обчислювальних машин і систем» на тему «Методи та засоби аналізу надійності функціонування програмного забезпечення з урахуванням етапів життєвого циклу».
Яковина В.С. є автором більш, як 130 наукових та навчально-методичних праць, в числі яких дві монографії, три навчальних посібники, понад 60 наукових статей у періодичних фахових виданнях, матеріали різного рівня конференцій. Виконавець та відповідальний виконавець дев'яти держбюджетних НДР; трьох міжнародних проектів (серед них проект за програмою Tempus). Стипендіат голови ОДА для молодих вчених у 2003 р.; отримувач індивідуального гранту для досліджень в Ряшівському університеті (Польща) у 2005 р.; керівник гранту Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» для молодих вчених у 2008 р.
Відзначений рядом відзнак та нагород, зокрема був переможцем у номінації «Викладачі вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів і науковці» Четвертого Всеукраїнського Інтернет-конкурсу «Вчитель-новатор» у 2007 р. У 2010 році нагороджений грамотою Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» за значні досягнення в навчальній та науковій роботі за 2009–2010 навчальний рік. У 2019 році нагороджений грамотою Національного університету «Львівська політехніка».
З 2019 року Яковина В.С. є членом НМК 7 (підкомісії 121 з Інженерії програмного забезпечення) сектору вищої освіти Науково-методичної ради Міністерства освіти і науки України, експертом секції «Інформатика та кібернетика» Наукової ради Міністерства освіти і науки України. Пройшов конкурсний відбір та є експертом Національного агентства із забезпечення якості вищої освіти. Голова науково-методичної комісії зі спеціальності «Інженерія програмного забезпечення» Національного університету «Львівська політехніка».
Член оргкомітету та програмного комітету ряду міжнародних наукових конференцій. Член редколегії кількох фахових наукових журналів, в тому числі закордонного видання «Central European Researchers Journal» (Словаччина).