Зустріч з представниками Oracle Labs щодо практики, стажування та кар'єрних перспектив
For students who see their future with Java!
Alina Yurenko will give a presentation on 12 April 2019, at 12:10 (room 215, building #1), in Ukrainian, on the topic “Introduction into GraalVM”.
Alina is a developer advocate for GraalVM at Oracle Labs, a research & development branch of Oracle.
In this presentation you will learn what is actually GraalVM and what a user can do with it. In particular, use GraalVM just-in-time compiler, run polyglot and native programs, compile them ahead of time for faster startup and lower memory consumption, and more. This quick session will be supported by demo applications!
The upcoming practice on “Programming Languages Implementations, compilers and virtual machines”, lead by David Leopoldseder (http://ssw.jku.at/General/Staff/Leopoldseder/), will go deeper into GraalVM technology and the world of compilers and virtual machines.
Those who wish to familiarize with GraalVM on their own or can not attend the presentation, visit our website: https://www.graalvm.org.